Maleic anhydride is colorless or white solid in pure state, with an unpleasant smell. It also has two types of chemical energy groups, which makes it very useful in chemical synthesis and other applications.
In the past, the factory was prepared by oxidation of benzene or other aromatic compounds. However, as the price of some materials rises, the factory will use n-butane as raw material. Benzene and butane are sent into the hot gas stream and pass through the catalyst bed at high temperature. Then, the staff will control the air and hydrocarbons to reduce the possibility of fire in the mixture. Secondly, the product will be discharged through the discharge port.
At the same time, it has two kinds of chemical energy groups, so it has been widely used in chemical synthesis and other applications. In addition, it is widely used in the synthesis of surfactants, pesticides, herbicides and bactericides.

At present, the production process of maleic anhydride in industry can be divided into benzene oxidation process, n-butane oxidation process, C4 olefin process and phthalic anhydride by-product process according to raw materials. Among them, benzene oxidation method is more widely used. However, due to the limited benzene resources, the technology of producing maleic anhydride from C4 olefins and n-butane as raw materials arises at the historic moment. Especially, countries rich in natural gas and associated gas from oil fields have a large number of n-butane resources. Therefore, in recent years, the technology of producing maleic anhydride by n-butane oxidation method has developed rapidly, and has occupied a major position in the production of maleic anhydride in Shandong Province. Its production capacity accounts for about 80% of the total production capacity of maleic anhydride in the world.
The above is a detailed introduction of maleic anhydride manufacturers, and we hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will provide services for you with our attitude